Welcome to my Journal entry!

Khan Academy: Alright. I hit the brick wall really hard today during my hour of Khan Academy. I did not even get past 44% in Khan Academy, although I slowly made my slog through the problems which I finally solved. :( It was a rough start to my day.

Vocabulary: I enjoyed searching for the definitions of words that I found in Dracula. Of course I am not done with all the words; but I am enjoying the experience in searching my dictionary and thesaurs in order to understand what the word means. Although there have been words that are difficult to find and I have ended up searching on the web for some words (usually in British translation).

Anatomy: Hahahahahahahaha! I'm hilarious! I think I will finish the human skeleton sketch and label all of it? Hahahahaha! Oh goddammit.

Observations: I have noticed my friends usually ignore their siblings or take them for granted in front of me. And it hurts my feelings, because I miss out on seeing my siblings everyday. They mean the world to me, and I cannot help but cry because my friends have something I do not and I dislike to see them ignore that. During their age they can make memories and I am so happy to see them building their relationships and work through difficult things. All I can do is try to call them without going overboard and annoying them. I notice how mom rarely talks with her brother, so the bonding times are during childhood. And less time when they are older. So, I feel as if I am missing that part of my life with my siblings. Believe me I am grateful beyond end that I have two loving educated parents! And I know they might know how I feel about my siblings. So, I try not to talk about it, because I feel as if I might be pressuring them. In the end I always try to keep in mind the small memories I do have with them, and just hope they will hang or even play with me when we are older. Why do people overlook such beautiful moments? I just texted my sister and step-mom texting them that I miss and love them all very much. I never want them to doubt in their minds I would never miss them or love them . . .even if it is not the strongest relationship. Perhaps I will paint them something this year, or even send a letter! Yeah, that would be nice.

Discussion: This morning, I decided to cut up the pineapple that my mom so kindly bought (thank you mom, you are amazing!) and I came to realise that I did not know whether a pineapple is a fruit or a vegetable. Seriously, I have no clue, I think it’s a fruit. If someone were to ask me though I would not have a clue whether or not a pineapple is a fruit or vegetable. I originally was going to google my question (as this is now the new thing to do apparently.) then I thought this would be a great discussion to have with myself! Is a pineapple a fruit or a vegetable? A fruit has seeds in order for it to be replanted, they also grow on bushes and trees, oh, vines too. Vegetables do not have seeds, and they grow in the ground. So, perhaps pineapples are a vegetable, because they grow in the . . .oh, oh, nope. Pineapple heads are placed in the ground, but technically the pineapple that grows is almost similar to a bush. The new pineapple appears in the tassel of leaves attached to the pineapples top. Yeah, maybe then pineapples are fruits, because you simply (in a way) pluck it out and you do not need to dig it up. Although it acts homogeneously ginger and potato. As they grow off from the vegetable. I think anyways, I am only going by my memory from observing the plants my mom would help grow. The head acts as if it were a seed, the only difference I presume is the size and shape. . . How difficult this turned out to be. Alright, I believe pineapples are a vegetable. My justification is that pineapples do not have seeds in the sense that they are not small and circular (just to make that clear). Pineapples do not grow out of a tree, vine or bush. They grow from the root of another pineapple head. Now, to see if my analysis is correct. Oh. They are a fruit. Apparently pineapples are a cluster of berries which have formed as one. I do not see that. Perhaps they are referring to the outside of the pineapple. Whoa, I did not see that coming. I had suspected that pineapples were fruits before, but I was truly convinced that pineapples are a vegetable. Sincerely, Charly’s brain. P.S Another observation of mine is; I think pineapples are called well, pineapples, because they look like a pine from the outside and they taste like the apple that I have never had before. XD My apologies this is a small joke of my own. And observation.


Reading: Strangly I have had difficulties getting myself to sit down and read Dracula. I assume this is because the read has changed onto another characters writing/perspective, I am still very excited to read the book though, do not think otherwise!

Tae-kwon-Do: I succesfully did Tae-kwon-Do on the hour mostly every hour. XD

Sincerely, C.Bug