
part of speech: Noun, Verb

Sentence from text: The staircase is in the center of the building

Definition: chiefly British spelling of CENTER

Definition for Center; Noun: 1a: the point around which a circle or sphere is described broadly : a point that is related to a geometrical figure in such a way that for any point on the figure there is another point on the figure such that a straight line joining the two points is bisected by the original point — called also center of symmetry b: the center of the circle inscribed in a regular (see REGULAR entry 1 sense 3b) polygon 2a: a point, area, person, or thing that is most important or pivotal in relation to an indicated activity, interest, or condition a railroad center the center of the controversy b: a source from which something originates a propaganda center c: a group of neurons having a common function respiratory center d: a region of concentrated population an urban center e: a facility providing a place for a particular activity or service a day-care center a shopping center a medical center 3a: the middle part (as of the forehead or a stage) boften capitalized (1): a grouping of political figures holding moderate views especially between those of conservatives and liberals (2): the views of such politicians The party's new policies show a shift toward the center. (3): the adherents of such views 4a : a player occupying a middle position on a team: such as (1): the football player in the middle of a line who passes the ball between his legs to a back to start a down (2): the usually tallest player on a basketball team who usually plays near the basket b: CENTER FIELD 5a: either of two tapered rods which support work in a lathe or grinding machine and about or with which the work revolves b: a conical recess in the end of work (such as a shaft) for receiving such a center

Definition for Center; Verb: 1: to place or fix at or around a center or central area center the picture on the wall 2: to give a central focus or basis centers her hopes on her son the plot was centered on espionage 3: to adjust (things, such as lenses) so that the axes coincide 4a: to pass (a ball or puck) from either side toward the middle of the playing area b: to hand or pass (a football) backward between one's legs to a back (see BACK entry 1 sense 3) to start a down 5: to play center (see CENTER entry 1 sense 4) on center a line in hockey intransitive verb : to have a specified center : FOCUS

Synonyms noun: axis, base, capital, central, core, cynosure, epicenter, eye, focus, ground zero, heart, hub, locus, mecca, navel, nerve center, nexus, nucleus, omphalos, seat

Synonyms verb: centralize, compact, concenter, concentrate, consolidate, polarize, unify, unite

Antyonyms noun: none

Antyonyms verb: decentralize, deconcentrate, spread (out)

Other forms of word for noun: centerless (adjective)

Other forms of word for verb: none

My sentence: The sun is in the center of the solar system.

My sketch:

First known use noun: 14th century

First known use verb: 1555

History and Etymology noun: Middle English centre, borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Latin centrum "point of the stationary leg of a pair of compasses, midpoint of a circle or sphere," borrowed from Greek kéntron "sting, goad, point, stationary point of a pair of compasses, midpoint of a circle or sphere," probably reshaping (after the base verb kenteîn) of késtron "toothed implement, name for several nettle-like plants," from kentéō, kenteîn "to sting, goad, prick" (going back to Indo-European *ḱent-, *ḱnt- "sting, prick," whence Old High German hantag "pointed," Latvian sīts "hunting spear") + -tron, suffix of instruments

History and Etymology verb: derivative of CENTER entry 1