Soviet _Noun

part of speech: noun

Sentence from text: disputes between Americans and Soviets

Definition 1: an elected governmental council in a Communist country 2 Soviets plural a: BOLSHEVIKS b: the people and especially the political and military leaders of the U.S.S.R.

Synonyms: none

Antyonyms: none

Other forms of word: sovietism

My sentence: The plan was opposed by the Soviets

My sketch:

First known use: 1917

History and Etymology: Russian sovet council, soviet

Soviet _Adjective

part of speech: adjective

Sentence from text: ...Soviet dissidents...

Definition : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Soviet Union or its people

Synonyms: none

Antyonyms: none

Other forms of word: none

My sentence: Rumor has it that a Soviet spy broke into the states museum!

My sketch:

First known use: 1920

History and Etymology: none