
part of speech: adjective

Sentence from text: ...a member of the imperial family...

Definition: 1a: of, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor b(1): of or relating to the United Kingdom as distinguished from the constituent parts (2): of or relating to the Commonwealth of Nations and British Empire 2a: SOVEREIGN b: REGAL, IMPERIOUS 3: of superior or unusual size or excellence 4: belonging to the official British series of weights and measures

Synonyms: august, baronial, epic, gallant, glorious, grand, grandiose, heroic (also heroical), Homeric, imposing, magnific, magnificent, majestic, massive, monumental, noble, proud, regal, royal, splendid, stately

Antyonyms: humble, unheroic, unimposing, unimpressive

Other forms of word: imperially

My sentence:

My sketch:

First known use: 14th century

History and Etymology: Middle English imperial, emperiall, borrowed from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French emperial, imperiall, borrowed from Latin imperiālis "of the Roman emperor," from imperium "supreme administrative authority, power exercised by a Roman emperor"


part of speech: noun

Sentence from text: ...The imperial scaled the mountain...

Definition: 1capitalized : an adherent or soldier of the Holy Roman emperor 2: EMPEROR 3: a pointed beard growing below the lower lip 4: something of unusual size or excellence

Synonyms: none

Antyonyms: none

Other forms of word: none

My sentence:

My sketch:

First known use: circa 1524

History and Etymology: derivative of IMPERIAL entry 1, probably after Middle French imperiaux (plural); (sense 3) translation of French impériale