9/30/20 Review
- What are your goals and plans for tomorrow?
- List your monthly, yearly, and lifetime goals.
The Sciences
- List twelve fractions which are equivalent to 4/6. Include and identify the irreducible among them.
- Write 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 in decimal.
- Besides rectangles, there are other quadrilaterals. Sketch and classify them.
- Determine the rectangle with perimeter 56 millimeters which has the greatest area.

- Solve (1001.01)2 = (y)4
- Solve xn = 625.
- List the classifications of matter and give an example of each.
- Draw simple Bohr models of one stable and one radioactive isotope of flourine.
- Sketch and label the muscles which move the human femur. Include the frontal, lateral, and posterior views.
- Sketch the solar system.
- Select an appropriate style for the shed roof.
Past, Present, and Future
- Update your timeline.
- Provide justification for your claims that the Agricultural Revolution (1) made humans sicker, and (2) increased pollution.
- Which civilizations were the first to arise?
- Which of today's headlines stood out to you and why?
- What are the probable futures of humanity?
- How many children in the world today are denied education? Describe their daily life.
Language, Logic, and Literature
- Write a limerick using all the words you mapped yesterday.
- For each type of sentence, give one of the simplest examples and list the required parts of speech.
- Construct one silly and one valid modus ponens syllogism.
- Discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly you read about in The Unstoppable RBG today.