10/24/20 Test

For each numbered task, rewrite the problem. When appropriate, provide your analysis of the problem and your proof of the solution. You may not consult anyone or anything except your own brain. Once you begin, you have four hours to complete the test. Good luck and think well!

  1. Name a goal and present your plan for meeting it.
  2. List three things you must do to maintain energy and good mood.
  3. List twelve fractions which are equivalent to 9/21. Include and identify the irreducible among them.
  4. Write 3/8 in decimal.
  5. Determine the rectangle with perimeter 72 millimeters which has the greatest area.
  6. Construct a parallelogram and a rectangle with equal areas.
  7. Write (C9.4)16 in octal.
  8. Find all solutions of xn = 256.
  9. Draw a simple Bohr model of 23Na, the only stable isotope of sodium. You may refer only to The Periodic Table of Elements.
  10. Discuss how humans moved away from hunting and gathering toward our current situation, and the benefits and harms of doing so.
  11. Evaluate your teacher and your experience with learning.

Below is a paragraph that is full of errors. There may be spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or grammar errors. Rewrite the paragraph correcting all the errors.

Music is an art forme that apears in evry culture in the world. For thousands of years its been an importent part of the human experiance. Music has been use as enertainment as a way to pass on storys, and as a form of artestic espression. Each person may have their own perference in the type of Music they like but most people will like Music in some form. Music has even been used by therapits to help patience with mental and phisical health issues and and acheived good results.