11/02/20 Test

For each numbered task, rewrite the problem. When appropriate, provide your analysis of the problem and your proof of the solution. You may not consult anyone or anything except your own brain. Once you begin, you have four hours to complete the test. Good luck and think well!

  1. List twelve fractions which are equivalent to 16/18. Include and identify the irreducible among them.
  2. Write 53/2, 53/4, 53/5, 53/8, 53/10, 53/20, 53/25, and 53/50 in decimal.
  3. Determine the rectangle which uses 44 feet of border to enclose the greatest area.
  4. Determine the rectangle which encloses 90 square meters with the least perimeter.
  5. Construct a parallelogram ABCD and a rectangle ABEF with equal areas.
  6. Write the sexagesimal number 24,47;15 in binary.
  7. Find all natural solutions of xn = 10000.
  8. Draw a simple Bohr model of 24Mg, a stable isotope of magnesium. You may refer only to The Periodic Table of Elements.
  9. Take a position on the abortion issue and write a five paragraph essay which defends it.